These software analyze the damaged PST and recover it. PST File Recovery applications are available in market for different Outlook versions. In such cases, we need PST file recovery using third party applications that scan, recover and restore damaged PST using scanning algorithms. scanpst.exe is located at this location: %PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\System\MSMAPI\1033 Outlook Inbox Repair Tool fails in situations when the corruption cause is external, for e.g. We can use Inbox Repair Tool to correct file corruption. Outlook can't open a damaged PST and we need to Recover PST If PST contents are not important, we can simply create a new personal folder and rename the corrupt. Thus before looking for any PST Recovery solution, we need to check the availability of network server if PST is located there. In several cases, Outlook even fails to detect and find a damaged PST with the following error message: "The file drive:path:file name.pst could not be found." Note: Other than PST corruption, this error message may also generate if PST is located on a server and the server is unavailable at the time PST is attempted to be accessed. Corrupt PST fails to be loaded, makes Outlook slow or returns some sorts of error messages while attempting to be used or accessed. In order to correct the issue, we need PST Recovery solution. As Outlook works more like an email client.

MS Outlook uses PST (Personal Storage Table) file as its message store for all e-mail items, notes, calendar items, journals and other Outlook objects. Outlook can be installed in either of the two configurations: IMO (Internet Mail Only) mode or CW (Corporate Workgroup) mode. Microsoft Outlook is a personal information management utility provided by Microsoft.

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